Marriage and a DIY project

I was once told that a good way to take inventory of  your marriage was to do a project together. So Shawn and I decided to resurrect a table together. I used to place our coffee table on the couch while vacuuming Charlie, our three year old, kicked it off and it fell, broken into pieces .
Once broken the table had been laying around forever. The mess was in the way and the four dollar ikea table was not a great replacement. 

The DIY project was expensive, way more than originally budgeted for. It took a lot longer than planed. It was completely uncharted territory, so many unexpected events occurred. It was intense while trying to set straight lines with the small tiles. It was messy. It took a lot of guessing on what to do or the tools to use. It wasn't a one day project. Cracks showed up out of nowhere.

Now, that it is all done you have to look really close to see the imperfections, however they are abounding if you really inspect. The view from afar is spectacular, even though it was harder, more expensive, frustrating and so on.. I wouldn't trade it for the world and I love that it is something we created together.

Both the marriage and the table!

So I guess she was right. Our marriage is a project: it can get broken with everyone knowing it and no one willing to take the time or effort to fix it, it is expensive, time consuming, full of cracks upon close scrutiny,  needed to be braced for the new weight it had to hold, requires maintenance, hard work and a team effort to yield spectacular results. Although this resurrection is complete and I know certain precautions to take to avoid another fall, there is a lot of damage still left. Some damage will never be repaired and one day we will get around to other small problems, impossible to fix without the help of the other.

